How to add folders to favourites in Windows Explorer

If you have folders that you would like to access or save to regularly, then using favourites in Windows Explorer could be a great solution.  In Windows 7, Explorer has a left sidebar that displays links to your drives, libraries and favourites.

There are two main ways to add folders to favourites in Windows Explorer.   To learn how simply follow one of the methods outlined below:


Windows 7 - Drag a folder to favourites

Drag and Drop method

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Navigate to the folder to be added
  3. Drag the folder and drop it onto favourites to create a link




Right click method

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Open the folder to be added
  3. Right click on Favourites
  4. Select add current location to favourites




  • To remove any links Right click the folder in the Favourites location and select remove
  • Folders can be organised within the Favourites location by dragging and dropping to create the order required


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